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Test a FLASK Application

 TEST a FLASK Application Lets Write a Flask Application with multiple endpoints from flask import Flask, jsonify, request app = Flask( __name__ ) @app.route ( '/' , methods = [ 'GET' ]) def hello ():     message = 'Welcome to Flask Application!'     return jsonify({ 'message' : message}) @app.route ( '/add/task' , methods = [ 'POST' ]) def add_task ():     data = request.get_json()     for d in data:         title = d.get( 'title' )         priority = d.get( 'priority' )         assignto = d.get( 'assignto' )         if ( len (title) == 0 or len (priority) == 0 or len (assignto) == 0 ):             message = 'Please fill all the required fields'             return jsonify({ 'message' : message}), 400             message = 'Task added succe...
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Docker + Docker Compose + Ansible

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Docker + Kubernetes + Ansible

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Ansible with Azure

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