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Test a FLASK Application

 TEST a FLASK Application

Lets Write a Flask Application with multiple endpoints

from flask import Flask, jsonify, request
app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/', methods = ['GET'])
def hello():
    message = 'Welcome to Flask Application!'
    return jsonify({'message' : message})

@app.route('/add/task', methods = ['POST'])
def add_task():
    data = request.get_json()

    for d in data:
        title = d.get('title')
        priority = d.get('priority')
        assignto = d.get('assignto')

        if(len(title) == 0 or len(priority) == 0 or len(assignto) == 0):
            message = 'Please fill all the required fields'
            return jsonify({'message' : message}), 400
    message = 'Task added successfully'
    return jsonify({'message' : message}), 201

@app.route('/update/task/<int:taskcount>', methods = ['PUT'])
def update_task(taskcount : int):
    data = request.get_json()

    for d in data:
        title = d.get('title')
        priority = d.get('priority')
        assignto = d.get('assignto')

        if(len(title) == 0 or len(priority) == 0 or len(assignto) == 0):
            message = 'Please fill all the required fields'
            return jsonify({'message' : message}), 400
        if(taskcount != 1):
            message = 'The taskID you entered does not exist'
            return jsonify({'message' : message}), 404
    message = 'Task updated successfully'
    return jsonify({'message' : message}), 200

@app.route('/filter/task/<string:status>', methods = ['GET'])
def filter_task(status : str):

    if(status != 'Backlog'):
        message = 'The status you entered does not exist'
        return jsonify({'message' : message}), 404
    response = [{"assignto": "Mark", "id": 2, "priority": "Low", "status": "Backlog", "title": "Resolve Tickets"},
                {"assignto": "David", "id": 3, "priority": "Medium", "status": "Backlog", "title": "DevOps Session"}]
    return jsonify(response), 200

@app.route('/delete/task/<int:taskid>', methods = ['DELETE'])
def delete_task(taskid : int):        
    if(taskid != 1):
        message = 'The task id you entered does not exist'
        return jsonify({'message' : message}), 404
    message = 'Deleted successfully'
    return jsonify({'message' : message}), 204

@app.route('/list/task', methods = ['GET'])
def list_task():
    response = [{"assignto": "Mark", "id": 2, "priority": "Low", "status": "Backlog", "title": "Resolve Tickets"},
                {"assignto": "David", "id": 3, "priority": "Medium", "status": "Backlog", "title": "DevOps Session"}]
    return jsonify(response), 200

if __name__ == "__main__":

Now to test this we need to write pytests, lets explore that

import pytest
import json
from app import app

class Test_API:
    app.testing = True
    client = app.test_client()

    def test_home(self):
        In this method you should send the request to "/" URl
        assert the response status code it should contain "200"
        assert the JSOM response it should contain {"message": "Welcome to kanban Board Flask application hosted on Docker"}

        url = '/'
        response = self.client.get('/')
        assert response.status_code == 200

        data = json.loads(
        assert data['message'] == 'Welcome to Flask Application!'

    def test_add_task_without_title(self):
        In this method you should send the request to "/add/task" URL with the following data payload
        {"title": "", "priority": "Urgent", "assignto": "Mark"}
        assert the response status code it should contain "400"
        assert the JSON response it shold contain {"message": "Please fill all the required fields"}

        url = '/add/task'
        data = [{"title": "", "priority": "Urgent", "assignto": "Mark"}]
        response =, json=data)
        assert response.status_code == 400
        data = json.loads(
        assert data['message'] == 'Please fill all the required fields'

    def test_add_task_without_priority(self):
        In this method you should send the request to "/add/task" URL with the following data payload
        {"title": "Fix Bug", "priority": "", "assignto": "Mark"}
        assert the response status code it should contain "400"
        assert the JSON response it shold contain {"message": "Please fill all the required fields"}

        url = '/add/task'
        data = [{"title": "Fix Bug", "priority": "", "assignto": "Mark"}]
        response =, json=data)
        assert response.status_code == 400
        data = json.loads(
        assert data['message'] == 'Please fill all the required fields'
    def test_add_task_without_assignto(self):
        In this method you should send the request to "/add/task" URL with the following data payload
        {"title": "Fix Bug", "priority": "Urgent", "assignto": ""}
        assert the response status code it should contain "400"
        assert the JSON response it shold contain {"message": "Please fill all the required fields"}

        url = '/add/task'
        data = [{"title": "Fix Bug", "priority": "Urgent", "assignto": ""}]
        response =, json=data)
        assert response.status_code == 400
        data = json.loads(
        assert data['message'] == 'Please fill all the required fields'

    def test_add_task(self):
        In this method you should send the request to "/add/task" URL with the following data payload
        {"title": "Fix Bug", "priority": "Urgent", "assignto": "Mark"}
        {"title": "Resolve Ticket", "priority": "Low", "assignto": "John"}
        {"title": "Devops Session", "priority": "Medium", "assignto": "David"}
        assert the response status code it should contain "201"
        assert the JSON response it shold contain {"message": "Task added successfully"}

        url = '/add/task'
        data = [
            {"title": "Fix Bug", "priority": "Urgent", "assignto": "Mark"},
            {"title": "Resolve Ticket", "priority": "Low", "assignto": "John"},
            {"title": "Devops Session", "priority": "Medium", "assignto": "David"}]
        response =, json=data)
        assert response.status_code == 201
        data = json.loads(
        assert data['message'] == 'Task added successfully'

    def test_update_task_without_title(self):
        In this method you should send the request to "/update/task/1" URL with the following data payload
        {"title": "", "priority": "Urgent", "assignto": "Mark"}
        assert the response status code it should contain "400"
        assert the JSON response it shold contain {"message": "Please fill all the required fields"}

        url = '/update/task/1'
        data = [{"title": "", "priority": "Urgent", "assignto": "Mark"}]
        response = self.client.put(url, json=data)
        assert response.status_code == 400
        data = json.loads(
        assert data['message'] == 'Please fill all the required fields'

    def test_update_task_without_priority(self):
        In this method you should send the request to "/update/task/1" URL with the following data payload
        {"title": "Fix Bug", "priority": "", "assignto": "Mark"}
        assert the response status code it should contain "400"
        assert the JSON response it shold contain {"message": "Please fill all the required fields"}

        url = '/update/task/1'
        data = [{"title": "Fix Bug", "priority": "", "assignto": "Mark"}]
        response = self.client.put(url, json=data)
        assert response.status_code == 400
        data = json.loads(
        assert data['message'] == 'Please fill all the required fields'

    def test_update_task_without_assignto(self):
        In this method you should send the request to "/update/task/1" URL with the following data payload
        {"title": "Fix Bug", "priority": "Urgent", "assignto": ""}
        assert the response status code it should contain "400"
        assert the JSON response it shold contain {"message": "Please fill all the required fields"}

        url = '/update/task/1'
        data = [{"title": "Fix Bug", "priority": "Urgent", "assignto": ""}]
        response = self.client.put(url, json=data)
        assert response.status_code == 400
        data = json.loads(
        assert data['message'] == 'Please fill all the required fields'

    def test_update_task(self):
        In this method you should send the request to "/update/task/5" URL with the following data payload
        {"title": "Fix Bug", "priority": "Urgent", "assignto": "Mark"}
        assert the response status code it should contain "404"
        assert the JSON response it shold contain {"message": "The taskID you entered does not exist"}

        Send the request to "/update/task/1" URL with the following data payload
        {"title": "Fix Bug", "priority": "Urgent", "assignto": "Mark"}
        assert the response status code it should contain "200"
        assert the JSON response it shold contain {"message": "Task updated successfully"}

        url = '/update/task/5'
        data = [{"title": "Fix Bug", "priority": "Urgent", "assignto": "Mark"}]
        response = self.client.put(url, json=data)
        assert response.status_code == 404
        data = json.loads(
        assert data['message'] == 'The taskID you entered does not exist'

        url = '/update/task/1'
        data = [{"title": "Fix Bug", "priority": "Urgent", "assignto": "Mark"}]
        response = self.client.put(url, json=data)
        assert response.status_code == 200
        data = json.loads(
        assert data['message'] == 'Task updated successfully'
    def test_filter_task(self):
        In this method you should send the request to "/filter/task/Done" URL
        assert the response status code it should contain "404"
        assert the JSON response it shold contain {"message": "The status you entered does not exist"}

        Send the request to "/filter/task/Backlog" URL with the following data payload
        assert the response status code it should contain "200"
        assert the JSON response it shold contain
        [{"assignto": "Mark", "id": 2, "priority": "Low", "status": "Backlog", "title": "Resolve Tickets"},
        {"assignto": "David", "id": 3, "priority": "Medium", "status": "Backlog", "title": "DevOps Session"}]

        url = '/filter/task/Done'
        response = self.client.get(url)
        assert response.status_code == 404
        data = json.loads(
        assert data['message'] == 'The status you entered does not exist'

        url = '/filter/task/Backlog'
        response = self.client.get(url)
        assert response.status_code == 200
        data = json.loads(
        assert data == [{"assignto": "Mark", "id": 2, "priority": "Low", "status": "Backlog", "title": "Resolve Tickets"},
        {"assignto": "David", "id": 3, "priority": "Medium", "status": "Backlog", "title": "DevOps Session"}]

    def test_delete_task(self):
        In this method you should send the request to "/delete/task/5" URL
        assert the response status code it should contain "404"
        assert the JSON response it shold contain {"message": "The task id you entered does not exist"}

        Send the request to "/delete/task/1" URL
        assert the response status code it should contain "204"
        url = '/delete/task/5'
        response = self.client.delete(url)
        assert response.status_code == 404
        data = json.loads(
        assert data["message"] == 'The task id you entered does not exist'

        url = '/delete/task/1'
        response = self.client.delete(url)
        assert response.status_code == 204

    def test_list_task(self):
        Send the request to "/list/task" URL with the following data payload
        assert the response status code it should contain "200"
        assert the JSON response it shold contain
        [{"assignto": "Mark", "id": 2, "priority": "Low", "status": "Backlog", "title": "Resolve Tickets"},
        {"assignto": "David", "id": 3, "priority": "Medium", "status": "Backlog", "title": "DevOps Session"}]
        url = '/list/task'
        response = self.client.get(url)
        assert response.status_code == 200
        data = json.loads(
        assert data == [{"assignto": "Mark", "id": 2, "priority": "Low", "status": "Backlog", "title": "Resolve Tickets"},
        {"assignto": "David", "id": 3, "priority": "Medium", "status": "Backlog", "title": "DevOps Session"}]

to run the the pytest use:

python -m pytest


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