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Docker + Docker Compose + Ansible

 Docker + Docker Compose + Ansible


Flask Application Deployment using Ansible roles and Docker-Compose

1. Run the "" file given in the path to install the required dependencies before starting the challenge.
2. A Flask application named "" is given in the path.
3. Create an Ansible role named "Installation" in the path "/etc/ansible/roles" to install docker-compose.
4. Write an Ansible playbook named "creation.yaml" in the path , to perform the following tasks:

1. Using "file" and "copy" modules, create a Multi-stage "Dockerfile" in the path to 
- Dockerize the given Flask application with "python:alpine3.7" as its base image, using the given 'requirements.txt' file. 
- Build an image using "postgres" as its base image.

2. Using "file" and "copy" modules, create a "docker-compose.yaml" file in the path which creates two services named 
- The "flask" service should run an "flask_image" image as a container named "flask_container" and expose it to port 5000.
- The "db" service should run an "postgres_image" image as a container named "postgres_container" and expose it to port 5476.

5. Write another Ansible playbook named "execute.yaml" in the path, to perform the following tasks using appropriate Dockerfile
- Import the "creation.yaml" playbook. 
- Include the created "installation" role.
- Build a Docker image named "flask_image" using the created Dockerfile. 
- Build a Docker image named "postgres_image" using the created Dockerfile.
- Run the "docker-compose.yaml" file.

6. Finally, run the "execute.yaml" playbook and check whether the Flask application is running in the specified port 5000.



1. create the Ansible role
            mkdir etc/ansible/roles
            cd etc/ansible/roles
            ansible-galaxy role init Installation
2. create the creation.yaml, to create Dockerfile and docker-compose.yaml file

- name: Create Dockerfile and docker-compose files
  hosts: localhost
    - name: Create Dockerfile
        dest: ./Dockerfile
        content: |
          FROM python:alpine3.7 AS flask_img
          WORKDIR /app
          COPY requirements.txt /app
          RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

          COPY .

          EXPOSE 5000
          CMD ["flask", "run", "--host", ""]

          # ------------------------------------
          # ------------------------------------

          FROM postgres AS postgres_img
          ENV POSTGRES_DB myDB
          ENV POSTGRES_USER myuser
          ENV POSTGRES_PASSWORD mypassword
    - name: Create docker-compose
        dest: ./docker-compose.yaml
        content: |
          version: '3.4'
              image: flask_img
              container_name: flask_cont
                - 5000:5000
              image: postgres_img
              container_name: postgres_cont
                - 5476:5476

3. create the execute.yaml file

- name: Import creation.yml playbook
  import_playbook: creation.yaml

- name: Execute all tasks
  hosts: localhost
    - name: Include created role
        name: etc/ansible/roles/Installation

    - name: Build flask_img using Dockerfile
      command: docker build --target flask_img -t flask_img .
      become: true

    - name: Build postgress_img using Dockerfile
      command: docker build --target postgres_img -t postgres_img .
      become: true

    - name: Build docker-compose file using Dockerfile
      command: docker-compose up -d

# execute the playbooks using
this is optional as this will create the Dockerfile and docker-compose file
ansible-playbook creation.yaml 

# execute this playbook mainly
ansible-playbook execute.yaml

# check the url for the flask application
curl http://localhost:5000


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