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Build Flask App(Kanbanboard) using Docker and Docker Compose

 A Kanban board is a project management tool designed to help visualize work, manage project tasks, workflows and communication. In this challenge, you are going to write the unit test cases for the given Kanban board Flask application using Pytest and deploy the application using Docker Compose.


1. Write the unit test cases using Pytest testing framework in the following path

2. Refer '' file for further instructions.

3. Commands to Execute:

- 'export FLASK' to set an environment variable.

- 'python3 m flask run' to run the Flask application. 

- 'python3 m pytest' to run the test cases.

4. Once you done with test cases. Deploy the Kanban board Flask application in Docker using Docker Compose.

5. Create a 'Dockerfile' to dockerize the Kanban board Flask application with 'python alpine3.7 as its base image named 'kanbanboard_app_image". 

6. Create 'docker-compose.yml file to create a service named 'app' with the docker image (kanbanboard_app_image), container named "kanbanboard_app_container', connect a bridge network named 'app_network', attach a volume named 'app_volume' and deploy the application in 5005 port. 

7. Visit "http://localhost:5005/" URL in the browser and ensure that the application is running successful.

Step1: Create a docker file for the flask app

Dockerfile :

FROM python:3.7-alpine


COPY . /app

RUN pip install requirement.txt




ENV FLASK_ENV=development

CMD ["flask", "run"]

## test the docker image that to be built from dockerfile

docker build -t kanbanboard_app_image .

docker run kanbanboard_app_image

docker ps -a

docker stop <container-id>

Step2:  Create a docker-compose.yml file


version: '3.3'



image: kanbanboard_app_image

build: ./app

container_name: kanbanboard_app_container


- "5005:5005"


- app_network


- app_volume:/app



driver: bridge



## test and run using docker compose

docker compose build --up


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