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Restaurant API using SpringBoot

 Restaurant API using Spring Boot

Controller - Add @RestController annotation the class


private RestaurantService restaurantService;

//to create a restaurant


public ResponseEntity<Object> postRestaurant(@RequestBody Restaurant restaurant){

return restaurantService.postRestaurant(restaurant);


//to get a restaurant by id


public ResponseEntity<Object>getRestaurantById(@PathVariable int id){

return restaurantService.getRestaurantById(id);


//to get restaurants which are equal to or greater than the given rating


public ResponseEntity<Stream<Restaurant>> getGreaterRating(@RequestParam("rating") Double rating){

return restaurantService.getGreaterRating(rating);


//to get the Sorted Restaurant with the given param value


public ResponseEntity<Object> getRestaurantBySort(@RequestParam("value") String value){

return restaurantService.getRestaurantBySort(value);


//to update the restaurant's vote and rating by id as PathVariable and restaurant Object


public ResponseEntity<Object> updateRestaurant(@PathVariable int id, @RequestBody Restaurant restaurant){

return restaurantService.updateRestaurant(id, restaurant);


// to delete the restaurant by using id as PathVariable


public ResponseEntity<Object> deleteRestaurantById(@PathVariable int id){

return restaurantService.deleteRestaurantById(id);


// manually seed the h2 database


public ResponseEntity<Object> getResturantSeed(){

return restaurantService.seedRestaurant();



public ResponseEntity<Object> getAllResturant(){

return restaurantService.allRestaurant();


Model - Add @Entity annotation to the class


@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)

@Column(unique = true)

private int id;

private String name;

private String city;

private int estimatedCost;

private double averageRating;

private int votes;

private long contactNo;

Repository - Add @Repository annotation to the class

public interface RestaurantRepository extends JpaRepository<Restaurant,Integer> {

List<Restaurant> findByAverageRatingGreaterThanEqual(double rating);

@Query(value = "SELECT max(id) FROM Restaurant")

public int getMaxId();


Services - Add @Service annotation to to the class

private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RestaurantController.class.getName());


* Implement the business logic for the RestaurantService operations in this

* class Make sure to add required annotations



private RestaurantRepository restaurantRepository;

// to create a restaurant

// created->201

// badRequest()->400

public ResponseEntity<Object> postRestaurant(Restaurant restaurant) {

if (restaurant == null) {

return ResponseEntity.badRequest().build();


return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.CREATED).build();


// to get a restaurant by id

// ok()->200

// badRequest()->400

public ResponseEntity<Object> getRestaurantById(int id) {

Restaurant restaurant = restaurantRepository.findById(id).orElse(null);

if (restaurant == null) {

return ResponseEntity.badRequest().build();


return ResponseEntity.ok(restaurant);


// to get restaurants which are equal to or greater than the given rating

// ok()->200

// badRequest()->400

public ResponseEntity<Stream<Restaurant>> getGreaterRating(Double rating) {

List<Restaurant> matchingRestaurants = restaurantRepository.findByAverageRatingGreaterThanEqual(rating);

if (matchingRestaurants.isEmpty()) {

return ResponseEntity.badRequest().build();


Stream<Restaurant> restaurantStream =;

return ResponseEntity.ok().body(restaurantStream);


// to get the Sorted Restaurant with the given param value

// ok()->200

// badRequest()->400

public ResponseEntity<Object> getRestaurantBySort(String value) {

List<Restaurant> restaurants = restaurantRepository.findAll();

if(restaurants.isEmpty()) {

return ResponseEntity.badRequest().build();


switch (value) {

case "id":



case "name":



case "city":



case "estimatedCost":



case "averageRating":



case "votes":



case "contactNo":




return ResponseEntity.badRequest().build();


return ResponseEntity.ok(restaurants);


// to delete the restaurant by using id as PathVariable

// ok()->200

// badRequest()->400

public ResponseEntity<Object> deleteRestaurantById(int id) {

if (!restaurantRepository.existsById(id)) {

return ResponseEntity.badRequest().build();



return ResponseEntity.ok().build();


// to update the restaurant's vote and rating by id as PathVariable and

// restaurant Object

// ok()->200

// badRequest()->400

public ResponseEntity<Object> updateRestaurant(int id, Restaurant restaurant) {

Restaurant fetchedRestaurant = restaurantRepository.findById(id).orElse(null);

if(fetchedRestaurant == null) {

return ResponseEntity.badRequest().build();



if(!StringUtils.hasText(restaurant.getName())) {



if(!StringUtils.hasText(restaurant.getCity())) {



if(restaurant.getEstimatedCost() == 0) {



if(restaurant.getAverageRating() == 0) {



if(restaurant.getVotes() == 0) {



if(restaurant.getContactNo() == 0) {



return ResponseEntity.ok(restaurant);


// done by me to manually seed the h2 database

public ResponseEntity<Object> seedRestaurant(){

postRestaurant(new Restaurant(1, "Accord","Delhi",40000,4.5,98,7547898765L));

postRestaurant(new Restaurant(2, "Plaso", "Chennai", 50000, 4.1, 100, 9854728626L));

postRestaurant(new Restaurant(3, "MassHotel", "Mumbai",20000,3.5,66,8637954894L));

postRestaurant(new Restaurant(4, "GetToGather", "Kerala",10000,2.9,459,6383475894L));

return ResponseEntity.ok().build();


public ResponseEntity<Object> allRestaurant(){

List<Restaurant> restaurants = restaurantRepository.findAll();

if(restaurants.isEmpty()) {

return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();


return ResponseEntity.ok(restaurants);


Add SQL insert statements to data.sql if insert during time of application startup, for model with camel case 'sampleTable' table name would be 'sample_table'.

# added below



# Already present





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