Build & Deploy docker image using Gradle
You are tasked to create a gradle java application, Dockerfile to run the 'springbootify.jar' file on port 8080, use suitable gradle plugins to configure the gradle application to build a docker image and run the docker container. On successful deployment of docker container, hit the url (http://localhost:8080/doit) and you could see the message on the webpage.
- Jar file 'springbootify.jar' is already given in folder /Desktop/Project no need to build a need jar file.
- Please do install gradle using the command "sudo apt install gradle"
- Please do use "sudo service jenkins stop"
- Create a Docker & gradle application in the path /Desktop/Project
- Make the gradle project operable for both gradle & gradlew commands Docker base image: openj dk: 12-jdk-alpine.
Solving the tasks...
sudo apt install gradle
sudo service jenkins stop
cd /Desktop/Project
Create a new Gradle project using the following command:
gradle init
Add the following plugins to the build.gradle file to configure the Gradle application to build a Docker image:
plugins {
id 'com.palantir.docker' version '0.22.1'
id 'com.palantir.docker-run' version '0.22.1'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
docker {
name "${}:${project.version}"
files 'springbootify.jar'
dockerRun {
name "${}"
image "${}:${project.version}"
ports '8080:8080'
clean true
Now create a Dockerfile
FROM openjdk:12-jdk-alpine
COPY springbootify.jar springbootify.jar
CMD ["java","-jar", "springbootify.jar"]
Lets first create a docker image
./gradlew docker
Check the created the docker image
docker ps
Next, run the docker image
./gradlew dockerRun
After this you can visit https://localhost:8080/doit, you can view the message
That's it! You have successfully created a Gradle Java application and Dockerfile, and deployed it using Docker.
Just some useful commands
# you can run jar file with, and check the https://localhost:8080/doit java -jar springbootify.jar # you can also use gradle to build java project gradle init --type java-application # to see all images docker ps -a # to remove image, use option -f to force delete docker rmi <image-name/id> # to remove container, use option -f to force delete docker rm <container-name/id>
--- THANK YOU ---
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